Welcome to ADS-NYANZA

A Dignified Responsible Humanity Enjoying the Fullness of Life

Impacting Lives Since 1997

ADS–Nyanza is a faith-based organization founded in 1995 and registered as a company in 1997, to enhance holistic human transformation and development of communities, as envisaged in the scriptures
John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.



 ADS-Nyanza works with different strategic partners including beneficiary communities, common interest groups, civil society organizations, national and county government line ministries/ departments .


Over 2.06 Million Households have been reached with Food Security, water and environmental conservation, Economic Empowerment, Health, and Advocacy interventions. since 2019.


ADS-Nyanza is actively engaged in local and national level policy influencing.

Million + Lives Touched

About Us

ADS-nyanza is a non–profit joint development arm of six Anglican Church of Kenya dioceses. These are:

(Maseno South, Maseno West, Southern Nyanza, Bondo, Maseno East and Upper Southern Nyanza)


ADS-Nyanza exists “To enable the Dioceses and community within Nyanza Region to achieve the fullness of life and the integrity of creation through sustainable community development programs for the glory of God”.


ADS-Nyanza envisions “A dignified responsible humanity enjoying the fullness of life”

Core Values

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Impacting Lives

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