Story from Judisi Nyaranga.

Story from Judisi Nyaranga.

Judisi Nyaranga Aida (46 years) is a project farmer who hails from Oyani village, Kajulu west, Kanyamkago ward in Migori county. Judisi is a member of Iramba self-help group whose main objective is farming activities such as rearing poultry, growing maize, beans, fodder crops for animals and keeping dairy local animals. The capacity building on rearing poultry, growing fodder crops and good agronomy practices that was done by ADS-Nyanza staff has impacted her life and entire community.

Judisi keeps local dairy animals and has experienced challenges that reduced her dairy yields. “I have experienced challenges due to inadequate knowledge and skills on handling the animals and feeds which has negatively impacted the growth of my diary practice. Diseases like mastitis and lack of quality feeds has proved to be quite the thorn.”

Judisi got trained on good dairy practices and how to grow high value fodder and is now benefiting from the acquired skills. Before the training, Judith got 2 litres of milk a day from her 2 diary animals. “I am now getting 6 litres of milk per day and selling at 70/= per litre. I receive an average of Ksh10,500 per month that I use to pay school fees for my two daughters and buy food stuff.” She is looking forward to increasing her local dairy animals from two to four and expand on growing fodder that she can use during the dry season.

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